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Bear Feels Sick,
Dangerous weather endangers Bear, but his woodland partners are there to encourage him in this kind, encouraging Bear story from bestselling duo Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman!
The sun is setting and it’s becoming chilly. When Bear’s friends realize that he is not the house in his lair, they move out into the chill to get their pal. Compatriots don’t let friends linger lost! Wren, Owl, and Raven take to the skies while Badger, Mole, and Mouse search on the area. charming soon Bear is discovered, and once he’s back in his cavern, he feels quite safe with his companions all around.

Bear Feels Sick by Karma Wilson

Alone in his cave, as the autumn wind blows, Bear feels achy with a stuffed-up nose.


He tosses and he turns, all huddled in a heap. Bear feels tired, but he just can’t sleep.

He sniffs and he sneezes. He whiffs and he wheezes. And the bear feels sick.

His friends gather round. “Come out, Bear, and play.” Bear shakes his head. “I’m too sick today.”

Mouse mutters, “Oh my, Bear’s head is too hot.” Hare says, “We will help. Here’s a warm, cozy spot.”

Bear mumbles and he moans. He grumbles and he groans. And the bear feels sick.

Mouse squeezes Bear tight. He whispers in his ear, “It’ll be just fine. Your friends are all here.”

Badger fetches water. Gopher cooks the broth while Mole soothes Bear with a cool, wet cloth.

They cover Bear up and he drinks from a cup. But he still feels sick.

Raven says, “Caw! Come along,Owl and Wren. Let us go gather herbs to bring back to the den.”

They coax Bear to sip just a smidgen of tea. “You’ll feel better soon,” says Mouse. Wait and see.”

Bear shakes and he shivers. He coughs and he quivers. And he still feels sick.

The friends fuss and fret. The friends cook and care. They keep a close eye on thier poor sick Bear.

They all talk in whispers. They walk on tippy toes. They sing lullabies. Then the bear starts to doze.

They watch Bear for hours. “We’ve done all we could.” Then the bear wakes up.

And the bear feel good.

Bear cries, “I’m all better. I’m feeling like new. I’m not hot and achy. It’s all thanks to you!

“Let’s celebrate now. Let’s go out and play. Let’s jump in the leaves. Let’s frolic all day!”

Then Mouse starts to wheeze and Hare starts to sneeze…and the friends feel sick!

Bear murmurs, “Don’t worry,” and tucks them in bed. He bundles them up and he kisses each head.

He tells all his friends, “You’ll soon feel like new. You took care of me…now I’ll take care of you.”

“Bear Feels Sick” Book Read Aloud Youtube Video


So what conversation will you have with your child after reading this book?

Some questions you might like to ask are:

Bear feel what alone in his cave?

Alone in his cave, as the autumn wind blows, Bear feels achy with a stuffed-up nose.

How bear’s friends help him?

friends fuss and fret. The friends cook and care. They keep a close eye on thier poor sick Bear.

When bears wakes up how he feels?

Bear feel good.

Next: Watch Dr Dolittle Book Read Aloud

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